
The code framework Arepo is a widely used tool for simulations in the astronomical community, whether it be for cosmological, galaxy or cloud scale simulations. In the field of ISM physics, many researchers use it as a basis for their models. However, in order to keep up with research of ever-increasing complexity, numerous additions to the code have been made, allowing for new and more elaborate physics to be introduced, easier post-processing and more efficient simulations.

The goal of this highly-interactive workshop is to bring together people who use and develop Arepo for ISM studies, allowing them to share their knowledge on improvements and modules they have introduced to the code. We want to offer a place where attendees can foster future collaborations and share ideas on new lines of development. Our aim is for a productive discussion based upon programmers and researchers' needs in the field of ISM modeling to allow for a more efficient development of further additions to the Arepo code.

We want to take full advantage of the assembled know-how of the participants. Therefore, in addition to invited and contributed talks, we will have 1.5 days of hands-on sessions on the presented codes and tools, allowing for new users to get to grips with the code and for developers to show how their modules work.

Cloud collisions (Hunter+ 2022)


Click here to check out the schedule.

You can also check out our guidelines for contributed talks.

Note that applicant's conferences fees (285 €) will be covered by the STRUCTURES Cluster of Excellence.

Cloud Factory (Smith+ 2022)

Confirmed key-note speakers

  • Rüdiger Pakmor (MPA Garching)
  • Simon Glover (Universität Heidelberg)
  • Clare Dobbs (University of Exeter)

Full participants list

Click here.
Galactic potential (Hunter et al, in prep)

Practical information

Conference venue: Schuster Building - University of Manchester


Dwarf galaxy (Whitworth+ 2023)


SOC: Junia Göller, Robin Tress, David Whitworth, Noé Brucy, Gary Fuller.

Contact us at soc(at)arepo-ism[put a dot here]eu.


We acknowledge financial and logistical support from the following sponsors.